Saturday 23 July 2011

Morning oh.

"Waking up to a new day is a gift, appreciate it and do remember you are loved. Good morning and have a splendid day."

For a person who LOVES her sleep, waking up to the morning sun is not a priority. NOT AT ALL. I hate morning period. My mornings goes on to be something like this :

I get up, and somehow I'm always late so the first words to come out of my mouth is "oh shit!" or "oh crap!". Then I'm on the phone with my parents who're somehow always convinced that I'm running late, always. (Oh I forgot to mention, I live in Ahmadabad, Gujrat while my parents live in Bombay so therefore the hyper fanatic early morning phone calls for me to wake up on time,  whichI really don't think is quite necessary but I'm not complaining. But I do when it's a weekend. I sure as hell don't need to be woken up at 8:30 a.m.! That's brutal man, my mum gets the kicks out of it *sigh*)   
Anyhoo, so 5 minutes goes in convincing my parents, making them believe that I'm really on time and that the situation is completely under control. Like shit it is. So after resting my case and my parent's their's, I turn on some music and run to my bathroom. Okay, this is like a fundamental rule, no matter how late I need music. I can't work without it, no really. It helps me to think straight, you know. If there is no music, my thoughts overlap and there is no train or chain of thoughts. Every thought is half thought and by the end of it I'm so confused  it's seriously not funny.
Then I come out, kick my room mate out of my room so I can change and yell out to the cook from the room to make me coffee. Strong coffee. That is another rule. Need. To. Have. Coffee. In .The. Freaking. Morning.
Same explanation for this as well, scrambled thoughts and all that. Then after putting on whatever is washed and ironed (to save my self some work and more importantly time) I put on my precious kohl. Okay another very important thing to know about me is, you'll never see me without kohl. Never. Not even at night, not even when I'm hitting the beach, not even when I'm sleeping or I've just woken up. I've been literally stereo tyed. And I don't know on how many occasion I've been asked if I smoke, or do weed or drugs, just because of the amount of the kohl I use. BTW, I do nothing of the above mentioned things.
So this is like another very important fundamental rule NEVER EVER leave without kohl in mys eyes no matter how much I'm getting late, room mates getting pissed because they're getting late in the process or even when the world is coming crashing down and I'm helping Shia LeBeouf and Optimus Prime to save the world, I need to have kohl in my eyes. I mean dude, I'll be working with Optimus prime for love of God! I need to look good! Who knows we'd end up falling in love!  
Yeah okay. Coming back. So when I've dressed up my eyes, I am back to my super speed as the realization of me being late hits me again, and I jet outside my room, grabing m bag in the process, literally gulping down my coffee and BAM! I'm outta the house.
Soo yeah, that's pretty much sums up my mornings. By now I guess, you must've realized I'm not really a morning person.

And my weekend morning? My weekends have no mornings.

Friday 15 July 2011

A thank you letter to Jo Rowling.

Dear Jo Rowling,
I want to sincerely thank you for sharing Harry Potter with the rest of the world. As I walked out of the theater today, I felt something, like I was leaving something behind. Harry Potter was an integral part of my childhood, along with a million others, kids/adults everyone.
I am going to be honest, I started reading Harry Potter from it's 3rd part, the Prisoner of Azkaban. The thing I love the most about your books is the way you beautifully show how love, friendship, courage, honor, is invincible. Something I strongly believe in. I long for a friendship as perfect as Harry, Ron and Hermione's, I adore Harry's bravery and admire his "never give up" attitude and ofcourse, then there are the much loved, loyal, faithful friends who were by his side through his darkest times. They went on and happily sacrificed their life for him.
In a world where war and hatred and dishonesty are far from being alien, you inculcated good morals through your books, you gave hope to the people that people are capable of so much better. You helped them find a better self which was hidden in them. You made them strong enough, through Harry, and urged them to not turn their back towards their fears but instead, Face it.Accept it. Defeat it. 
Lastly, your amazing (amazing seems to be a major understatement) imaginary and creative skills. You gave us Hogwarts, leaving kids (including me) to wish on every clove leaf, eye lash, lucky star to get an invite to graduate from Hogwarts. Everything, from the Horcruxes, to the Deathly Hallows, to the chamber of secrets (God I could go on and onn!) was work of sheer brilliance. You got the WHOLE god damn world gripped. No body could ignore Harry Potter! if you din't know who Harry was, well let's just say it was worse than not knowing the Prime Minister/ President of the country you're living in. It is such a phenomenal success! Like, take the case of my own sister. My dad first gave her, her first Harry Potter back in 1999 when chamber of secrets was released and from that day until now, she's been ridiculously, freakishly addicted to it! I've seen her standing in lines for the book or going to the other end of the city in days of heavy heavy rains, just so she could grab a copy of the new Harry Potter book. Other then that we owned Harry Potter T-shirts, mugs, trump cards, bags, stickers, stationary and every and any other HP merchandise available.  

So really Thank you, for inspiring so many of us, for making us believe in our selves and blessing us with such a beautiful childhood.

PS1: It will be unfair to not mention the cast and crew who gave life to Harry Potter. We literally saw Harry, Ron and Hermione, grow up! Daniel Radcliffe finally learnt how to act! =P

PS2: Thank You again. Maybe I'm all emotional after the movie since it's the last and all but you deserve it.

PS3: Twilight sucks! I personally couldn't get past the first book.

Yeah I'll end here.


Monday 11 July 2011

I got blogged.

My sister has been writing or blogging since a very long time now. She's the writer in the family. I never had the patience to sit and write know use all those fancy words which make my article look 'oh so pretty' that a tear comes down rolling from my English teacher's eye.
My other cousin brother also blogs along with a few of my friends. I never thought I'll ever and believe me, EVER .. be blogging. But I guess I've been bitten by the blog bug. There is no particular reason why I've started blogging, I don't know..I am just randomly typing whatever is going on in my head.

So what is my blog about? pretty much everything. I am an 18 year law student who has an opinion about pretty much everything. So, as my blog suggests I'll be writing over the weekends about whatever exciting happened (thanks to the amazing city I'm currently living in and the college I go to, I don't think I'll have to make much of an effort there), my daily routine, people in my life, sitcoms, drama (yay drama!), movies, fashion, current topics ...basically very random.
Till the next post homes.