Monday 11 July 2011

I got blogged.

My sister has been writing or blogging since a very long time now. She's the writer in the family. I never had the patience to sit and write know use all those fancy words which make my article look 'oh so pretty' that a tear comes down rolling from my English teacher's eye.
My other cousin brother also blogs along with a few of my friends. I never thought I'll ever and believe me, EVER .. be blogging. But I guess I've been bitten by the blog bug. There is no particular reason why I've started blogging, I don't know..I am just randomly typing whatever is going on in my head.

So what is my blog about? pretty much everything. I am an 18 year law student who has an opinion about pretty much everything. So, as my blog suggests I'll be writing over the weekends about whatever exciting happened (thanks to the amazing city I'm currently living in and the college I go to, I don't think I'll have to make much of an effort there), my daily routine, people in my life, sitcoms, drama (yay drama!), movies, fashion, current topics ...basically very random.
Till the next post homes.